Unlike Western orphanages, Indian orphanages also provide a temporary 'respite' facility for parents who cannot care for their kids. At present, Bachchon Ka Ghar caters to 230 kids (110 boys and 80 girls).
It quickly becomes evident on walking around the orphanage that the place is very basic but spotlessly clean. Kids sleep in cramped 50-bed dormitories with the beds separated by a few inches. There is no personal space, but very little is needed for their meagre possessions.
The dining hall consisted of a large room with benches running down either side. Kids eat in shifts and have their food served on tin trays with tin utensils. All were extremely clean and hygenic.
The final cheque that we presented was in two instalments and was for $13,250 / 578,445Rp. This represents 15% of Bachchon Ka Ghar's annual operating expenses - including facilities, staff, food and all other expenses. We verified this from their annual report, and also satisfied ourselves that all of the appropriate governance and financial structures are in place to ensure that the funds will be appropriately discharged. The second instalment will be delivered by a Trade Commissioner from the Department of State Development on completion of the first stage of work.
Special thanks are offered to the sponsors who contributed to this donation - including
Blue Zoo
Elders Home Loans
TnT Finance
Bowen Buchbinder Vilensky Lawyers
Rotary Club of Mundaring
Elders Real Estate Kwinana
Toms Kitchen
Ice Impressions
Taurus Homes
Star 3 Media
(along with numerous friends, family and clients).